Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Okay, So I haven't been very good at keeping this up. Life has been a bit busy with Kathy's bridal shower, getting stuff ready for the wedding...and other things. I just got back from being at a 4 day conference at Disneyland Hotel. I got my own room for the 4 days. Unfortunately, Jimmy and the kids were unable to join me, but it was a fun time with some of our staff members. I am leaving again this weekend for a scrapbooking weekend! I am looking forward to it! I have never done this before, but I am told it is a lot of pampering and just getting pages done! It should be a lot of fun!

Jimmy did a great job and passed all his Motorcycle tests and has been on the street for 2 weeks. He lead his first funeral today of a guy he worked with at the Jail 7 years ago. The guy died of Lukemia. I am so proud of Jimmy and his accomplishments. He has a few more classes to attend in the next few months to learn more about his new job, but hopefully that will go smoothly as well.

Autumn is loving tap dancing lessons and Awana Cubbies. She is also enjoying preschool. I was shocked the first week of school what they were serving for snack time, and talked to the teacher about it. It seemed by their reactions, that I was over doing it and was just a "weird" parent. They were serving 4 oreo cookies and 10 percent juice...go figure. The other days it wasn't much better. The last few times I have picked her up the snacks have been healthier so I think I may have done the right thing by mentioning it! I was just amazed that they thought that was okay to serve the kids just before sending them home!!! Otherwise I am pretty happy with the preschool. I would like for her to be moved to the kindergarten classroom, but not sure that will happen!

Well, I need to go to bed...so I can get up early to work out...not doing very well with that!