Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome Fall!

Welcome Fall!
Photo Opportunity with Daddy!

Showing off their wooden fire trucks.

Jimmy had to work some overtime today at a community function at Home Depot for Safety Week. He called to see if we wanted to come and make a fire truck. I quickly got the kids ready and we headed out to Rancho Mirage. Thankfully the weather was perfect! About 85 degrees, with some wind, but a much nicer break from 100 yesterday!
The kids had a blast "building" their trucks and looking at the fire trucks, ambulance and playing in daddy's police car. Actually, mommy did most of the building minus a few crooked nails! When we got in the car Autumn said, "That was so much fun!" Thank goodness for spur of the moment fun!
Drivin' the Ambulance and Fire Truck! Uncle Mark would be proud!Pounding away at the wooden fire truck!


The Greenoughs said...

very cute! it looks like they had tons of fun! love the picture of the kids and jimmy.

Helfer Party of 5 said...

Looks great Jana dear! How'd you do that??

Begin to Breathe said...

love your fall page and your fire truck pics. hey...ash wants to join us on tuesdays while josh is at the academy. think she'll need some girl time :)
see you tomorrow!

Jen said...

I love your background change!! Very cute and "fall"...looks like you all had a great time building together.
PS thanks for leaving comments on my blog...I love knowing people are actually reading it! ;-)