Monday, September 29, 2008

Our trip to San Diego...

This last weekend, we had the chance to go to San Diego for a couple of days to help Jimmy's dad celebrate his birthday. We had a great weekend with family and the kids had fun playing with their cousins. Austin just couldn't wait to get there and had his bag packed (all by himself) Friday afternoon and we didn't even leave until Saturday morning! The boys headed down while Karen, Kathy and I went to Jimmy's cousin's wife's baby shower in Laguna. They got to go swimming in Aunt Sharon's huge pool. Austin, unfortunately got stung by a bee while they were swimming. Needless to say, he and Autumn were done with the swimming thing and got dressed and stayed in the house.

Sunday, we got the opportunity to ride the Trolley from El Cajon to Petco Park for the Padre game. The kids had a BLAST! Austin was mesmerized by the trolley. Once we got to the park, we split up and the kids and Kelly and Mom and I spent most of the time on the Park side of the field. They have a cute little baseball field for the kids and Austin had a great time hitting the ball and running the bases. He was too cute! Here are a few pictures of our weekend.

All the cousins from left to right, Klarissa, Austin, Kaiya, Autumn, Aurora Baker, Jackson, Trinity Baker (Sharon's grandaughters)
Austin is enjoying his Trolley ride on Papa's lap!
She really is enjoying her ride! Isn't she adorable in her hat?Our seats at the Park.
Austin's first time at bat!
His second at bat...he's got this down now with the hat thing!
He insisted on wearing it backwards!

Autumn wanted to take a picture with the Marines behind her.

Well, we had a great day and it didn't take long for Austin to melt in daddy's arms!

He doesn't do this too often now days, it was super sweet!


Jen said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. Nolan is into wearing his backwards, too...he went from not keeping a cap on, to not wanting to take one off! Thanks for sharing all the pictures!

Aaron and Lyndsey said...

Great pictures! It would have to be Austin who got stung by the bee, wouldn't it?

Begin to Breathe said...

other than the bee sting...looks like a great time! i forgot to ask you about the park seats when i saw you last night! you'll have to fill me in.
i think i'll be eating again by tues LOL! so think about where we should go :)