Thursday, July 24, 2008


We have been doing Summerblast (aka VBS) at our church this week. The kids have had a wonderful time. It has made for some pretty long days, but it's worth it when you see your kids learning about Jesus! Jimmy has been taking the photographs for the event and I have been in charge of the Nursery. After Monday night, things have gone pretty smoothly. Enjoy the pictures of the kids enjoying their activities!


Jen said...

Looks like a ton of fun!

Jacobs' castle said...

We ARE having fun, Huh??? Thanks for running a smashing Animal Jam program...Grace is having the BEST time!!! Love you!!


Begin to Breathe said...

Summer Blast has been great this year!! Nice to get a few glimpses of you here and there as your head spinning around your department!! Super job by the way :)
So when is beach day?!?


Helfer Party of 5 said...

What fun! It's nice to have summer time to enjoy the kids and church!! Hope to see you guys soon.