Monday, September 1, 2008

Autumn's First Day of Kindergarten

Well, it's that time in our lives that we send our firstborn to Kindergarten. She is attending a private school this year called Grace Academy. They had full day kindergarten and there were only 7 kids in her class as opposed to 30 which she could have had in a public school. She is having fun so far and enjoys Mrs. Moreno.


Aaron and Lyndsey said...

Only 7 kids? Wow! Glad she's having a good time!

Our Three Peas said...

Yeah! The big first day of school. Ours is tomorrow so we are all getting ready tonight. I am so glad she enjoys her teacher!

Ash :)

Helfer Party of 5 said...

Wow...has the day already arrived?? How quickly the time flies...Glad its going well. She looks so grown up! How are you doing? How was your first day back?

Love ya!

Jacobs' castle said...

We're growing up friend!! YEAH!! She looks adorable, such a big girl! Congrats on this milestone.


Jen said...

Can't believe how grown up she looks! Her school sounds it new since we moved? I don't remember hearing about it. Hope your first week of school is going alright. Are you still in 3rd or did you get moved?

Begin to Breathe said...

so wierd...i could have sworn i commented on this post...
the new schedule has me a bit loopy these days, and i can only imagine how you have been feeling. Autumn looks like such a big girl. i pray that she has a great year! hoping to see you at Awana...